Project news

SILENSE Machine Learning Day in Evry

  • Posted on: 27 September 2019
  • By: Admin

On September 20th the project partner IMT organized internal workshop at its premises in Evry (France). Current state of Machine Learning based algorithms for use with ultrasound were discussed. Every partner present (IMT, BUT, UTIA, TNO, SINTEF and IMEC) participated in fruitfull discussions. At the end of the day, everyone left with vision of steps that need to be done to reach the common goal, to have functional chain from ultrasound sensor to machine learned algorithm.

Successful second review meeting

  • Posted on: 25 July 2019
  • By: Admin

On 18th of July 2019 the SILENSE partnership had its second review meeting in Brussels. Current status of every work package and demo was presented. The reviewers evaluated achievements and were amazed by progress made in the second year of the project. After successful review every partner is now fully focusing on the third and last year of the project to reach all set goals.
